The IRS is extending relief for individuals and businesses affected by terrorism in the State of Israel beginning on September 30, 2024. In Notice 2024-72, the IRS provides additional relief to
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U.S. Supreme Court to Decide Damages Issue in Trademark Dispute Involving Construction Engineering Firm
Dewberry Engineers Inc. (“Dewberry Engineers”), a prominent engineering firm, has been locked in an on-again, off-again trademark dispute with a real estate development firm called Dewberry Group, Inc. (“Dewberry Group”)…
Continue Reading U.S. Supreme Court to Decide Damages Issue in Trademark Dispute Involving Construction Engineering FirmU.S. Supreme Court to Decide Whether Holocaust Survivors’ Lawsuit Against Hungary in the United States for Expropriation of Their Property Is Permitted Under the Commercial Activities Exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
U.S. Supreme Court to Decide Whether Holocaust Survivors’ Lawsuit Against Hungary in the United States for Expropriation of Their Property Is Permitted Under the Commercial Activities Exception to the Foreign…
Continue Reading U.S. Supreme Court to Decide Whether Holocaust Survivors’ Lawsuit Against Hungary in the United States for Expropriation of Their Property Is Permitted Under the Commercial Activities Exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities ActU.S. Supreme Court Decides That, Where Parties Have Agreed to Two Contracts that Are In Conflict as to Whether a Dispute Between the Parties Is Subject to Arbitration, A Court Must Decide Which Contract Governs, Not an Arbitrator
In a unanimous opinion, the U.S. Supreme Court has decided that a court, not an arbitrator, must decide whether a dispute is subject to arbitration when parties have agreed to…
Continue Reading U.S. Supreme Court Decides That, Where Parties Have Agreed to Two Contracts that Are In Conflict as to Whether a Dispute Between the Parties Is Subject to Arbitration, A Court Must Decide Which Contract Governs, Not an ArbitratorU.S. Supreme Court Decides that Federal Courts Should Stay, Rather than Dismiss, Cases that Are Subject to Arbitration, If One Party Requests It
The U.S. Supreme Court has decided an issue concerning cases that are subject to arbitration that has divided the federal courts of appeals: when the claims at issue in a…
Continue Reading U.S. Supreme Court Decides that Federal Courts Should Stay, Rather than Dismiss, Cases that Are Subject to Arbitration, If One Party Requests ItLitigants in Two Major International Arbitrations Ask the Supreme Court to Review the Standard for Showing “Evident Partiality” By Arbitrators
Conflicts of interest are of great interest to law firms, prosecutors, and arbitrators. In two major international arbitrations, parties are seeking review by the United States Supreme Court of the…
Continue Reading Litigants in Two Major International Arbitrations Ask the Supreme Court to Review the Standard for Showing “Evident Partiality” By ArbitratorsAnother Petition to U.S. Supreme Court Seeks Review of the Standard Governing the Vacatur of Arbitration Awards Based on Arbitrator Conflicts of Interests
The standard that courts should apply in deciding whether to vacate an arbitration award based on arbitrator conflicts of interest is drawing increased focus in appeals to the United States…
Continue Reading Another Petition to U.S. Supreme Court Seeks Review of the Standard Governing the Vacatur of Arbitration Awards Based on Arbitrator Conflicts of InterestsConsortium That Lost Arbitration Involving Panama Canal Dispute Asks the U.S. Supreme Court to Clarify the Standard Governing the Vacatur of Arbitration Awards Based on Arbitrator Conflicts of Interests
A consortium that was on the losing side of a $238-million arbitration over the construction of the third set of locks for the Panama Canal is asking the United States…
Continue Reading Consortium That Lost Arbitration Involving Panama Canal Dispute Asks the U.S. Supreme Court to Clarify the Standard Governing the Vacatur of Arbitration Awards Based on Arbitrator Conflicts of InterestsU.S. Supreme Court to Decide Whether Federal Courts Have Authority to Dismiss, Rather than Stay, Cases that Are Subject to Arbitration
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to decide an issue concerning cases that are subject to arbitration that has divided the federal appeals courts: when the claims at issue in…
Continue Reading U.S. Supreme Court to Decide Whether Federal Courts Have Authority to Dismiss, Rather than Stay, Cases that Are Subject to ArbitrationNew York Caps Retainage at 5% On Private Construction Projects, Permits Contractors to Submit Final Invoice Upon Substantial Completion
New York has made changes to its Prompt Payment Act (N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law §756)
Legislation, which Gov. Kathy Hochul signed into law on November 17, 2023, provides that:
- retainage