
Is there a difference in enforcement between an arbitration award and an expert determination pursuant to a contract? The answer is yes, according to a recent ruling by the 3rd

Continue Reading Understanding the Differences in the Enforcement of Arbitration Awards and Expert Determinations

Reversing a district court decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit recently ruled that federal district courts have jurisdiction to enforce a summons issued by arbitrators in

Continue Reading Ninth Circuit Rules that Federal Courts Have Jurisdiction to Enforce SummonsesIssued by Arbitrators in International Arbitrations under the New York Convention

The United States Supreme Court this week resolved an important issue regarding international arbitrations by ruling that, contrary to what at least two appellate courts had previously ruled, a U.S.

Continue Reading The Supreme Court Slams the Door on the Use of Federal Courts to Obtain Discovery in Aid of Foreign and International Arbitrations Before Private, Non-Governmental Adjudicatory Bodies

Objectives and Considerations

The majority of international arbitrations are decided by three-member arbitration panels. Each party selects its “party-appointed” arbitrator, and the president or chair of the three-member panel is
Continue Reading Selecting a Party-Appointed Arbitrator in International Arbitration – a Primer

Join virtually Sarah Biser and other international law practitioners for a discussion regarding the successful delivery of domestic and international construction projects at the 2020 Construction Webinar Series organized by
Continue Reading Sarah Biser Will Be Speaking at the 2020 AAA Construction Webinar Series – Successful Delivery of Construction Projects . . . In the United States and Abroad – on September 15, 2020 (11:00 eastern)