International Construction

In a unanimous opinion, the U.S. Supreme Court has decided that a court, not an arbitrator, must decide whether a dispute is subject to arbitration when parties have agreed to

Continue Reading U.S. Supreme Court Decides That, Where Parties Have Agreed to Two Contracts that Are In Conflict as to Whether a Dispute Between the Parties Is Subject to Arbitration, A Court Must  Decide Which Contract Governs, Not an Arbitrator

Is there a difference in enforcement between an arbitration award and an expert determination pursuant to a contract? The answer is yes, according to a recent ruling by the 3rd

Continue Reading Understanding the Differences in the Enforcement of Arbitration Awards and Expert Determinations

Under existing precedent in the 11th Circuit, which includes Florida, federal courts cannot overturn international arbitration awards on the ground that the arbitrators “exceeded their powers,” a frequently invoked

Continue Reading Can An International Arbitration Award Be Vacated When The Seat Of Arbitration Is The US Or US Law Is The Substantive Law?