Dewberry Engineers Inc. (“Dewberry Engineers”), a prominent engineering firm, has been locked in an on-again, off-again trademark dispute with a real estate development firm called Dewberry Group, Inc. (“Dewberry Group”)
Continue Reading U.S. Supreme Court to Decide Damages Issue in Trademark Dispute Involving Construction Engineering Firmsupreme court
U.S. Supreme Court Decides That, Where Parties Have Agreed to Two Contracts that Are In Conflict as to Whether a Dispute Between the Parties Is Subject to Arbitration, A Court Must Decide Which Contract Governs, Not an Arbitrator
By Sarah B. Biser & Craig R. Tractenberg on
In a unanimous opinion, the U.S. Supreme Court has decided that a court, not an arbitrator, must decide whether a dispute is subject to arbitration when parties have agreed to…
Continue Reading U.S. Supreme Court Decides That, Where Parties Have Agreed to Two Contracts that Are In Conflict as to Whether a Dispute Between the Parties Is Subject to Arbitration, A Court Must Decide Which Contract Governs, Not an ArbitratorLitigants in Two Major International Arbitrations Ask the Supreme Court to Review the Standard for Showing “Evident Partiality” By Arbitrators
By Sarah B. Biser & Craig R. Tractenberg on
Conflicts of interest are of great interest to law firms, prosecutors, and arbitrators. In two major international arbitrations, parties are seeking review by the United States Supreme Court of the…
Continue Reading Litigants in Two Major International Arbitrations Ask the Supreme Court to Review the Standard for Showing “Evident Partiality” By ArbitratorsThe Supreme Court Slams the Door on the Use of Federal Courts to Obtain Discovery in Aid of Foreign and International Arbitrations Before Private, Non-Governmental Adjudicatory Bodies
By Sarah B. Biser & Craig R. Tractenberg on
The United States Supreme Court this week resolved an important issue regarding international arbitrations by ruling that, contrary to what at least two appellate courts had previously ruled, a U.S.
Continue Reading The Supreme Court Slams the Door on the Use of Federal Courts to Obtain Discovery in Aid of Foreign and International Arbitrations Before Private, Non-Governmental Adjudicatory Bodies